Green Ship – Ship re­cyc­ling

Green Ship – Ship re­cyc­ling

Dur­ing the Hong Kong Con­ven­tion all IMO (In­ter­na­tional Mari­time Or­gan­iz­a­tion) Mem­ber States have agreed to im­prove the re­cyc­ling of ships as well as the work­ing con­di­tions on the scrap­ping yards. The ship re­cyc­ling has tre­mend­ous in­flu­ence on hu­mans and the nature in the ship re­cyc­ling coun­tries like In­dia, Pakistan, Bangladesh and China.

As there was no le­gis­lat­ive basis for the ship re­cyc­ling it has been de­cided to es­tab­lish a new stand­ard for the mari­time in­dustry based on the Hong Kong Con­ven­tion and the EU-Dir­ect­ive. The EU-Dir­ect­ive was set into force on the 30th Decem­ber 2013. The In­ter­na­tional Stand­ard – ISO 30005 – is based on the EU-Dir­ect­ive and the Hong Kong Con­ven­tion.

The ba­sic re­quire­ments of this stand­ard are:

  • Documentation of hazardous materials for new products and ships
  • Material examination on existing products and existing ships
  • Establishing and maintaining of IHM (Inventory of Hazardous Materials) on existing ships
  • Code of Practice for Ships Recycling
  • Certification and Surveillance of IHM

The rel­ev­ant Doc­u­ments of Con­form­ity and Ma­ter­ial De­clar­a­tions of the sup­plied and fit­ted ma­ter­i­als are ap­plied as evid­ence for new build­ings and ex­ist­ing ships. The forms of IHM (In­vent­ory of Haz­ard­ous Ma­ter­i­als) have been es­tab­lished in ac­cord­ance to the ISO 30005 Stand­ard and are avail­able as down­loads.


Leaflet for Supplier (Rev. 2)

Please download the ‘Declaration of Conformity’ and open it with your PDF reader of choice: